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How-To: Duck Tape® Geometric Necklace

  • 15 Minutes
  • Beginner

Supplies & Tools

  1. Duck Tape®
  2. Card Stock
  3. Pen
  4. Scissors
  5. String or Wire
  6. Stirring Straw

9 Steps


Cut a triangle out of your card stock that is 5.5 in. wide.

triangle cut out of cardstock


Draw seven sections on your triangle.

seven sections drawn onto the triangle from the previous step


Cut out each section.

sections drawn onto the triangle in the previous step cut out


Cover each section with Duck Tape®.

sections from the previous step covered in Duck Tape


Cut out 7 small pieces of your stirring straws.

small length of straw cut out


Attach the straws on the back of each section with a small strip of tape.

straw from previous step attached to the sections from step 4


Cut a piece of wire or string that is the length you want.

length of string for the necklace


Attach a jump ring to one end of your string or wire. Wrap a strip of tape at the same end.

jump ring attached to the string


Add sections to your necklace by placing the wire or string through the straw. Wrap a strip of at the end, leaving space to add your clasp.

string run through the straws on each section to complete the necklace