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How-To: Duck Tape® Necklace

  • 30 Minutes
  • Intermediate

Supplies & Tools

  1. Duck Tape®
  2. Scissors
  3. Stirring straws
  4. Wire or string
  5. Crafting board

6 Steps


Cut a strip of Duck Tape®; that is 8 in. long.

Strip of Duck Tape


Cut that strip into 3 triangle wedges.

Strip from previous step cut into three triangle wedges


Place a stirring straw on the bigger end of your triangle and roll it onto your Duck Tape® to make a bead.

larger side of the Duck Tape triangles placed on the straw and rolled to make an oblong shape


Repeat steps 1-3 until you have as many beads as you want for your necklace.

Repeat previous steps to make as many beads as needed


Cut your beads off of your straw.

Beads sections cut off of the straw


String your beads onto your fishing wire or string. Once complete, you can add a clasp and jump ring to the end or make a knot at the end to secure your beads.

string fed through beads to complete the necklace