As a girl passionate about computer science and politics, I am no stranger to being the only girl in the room. I deeply admire the trailblazing women in history who fought to include girls like me in these spaces. This dress is a tribute to the women's suffrage movement, a cause that resonates with my own experiences and aspirations.
Inspired by the attire of suffragettes, this dress features a floor-length white design with a bustle and feminine accents such as colorful sashes and bows. Although women secured the right to vote in the 1920s, the silhouette of this dress is influenced by mid to late-19th-century evening gowns, symbolizing the nearly 100-year struggle for women's suffrage.
The suffragettes' relentless fight for equality has inspired me to become actively involved in electoral politics within my community. In collaboration with the League of Women Voters, I have organized annual voter registration drives at my school, registering nearly 100 new voters. Additionally, I played a role in my school district's levy campaign and am engaged in efforts to implement ranked-choice voting in my state.
As I continue my academic journey, I hope my work—and this dress—honor the legacy of the women who came before me. Their courage and determination paved the way for my generation, and I strive to carry their torch forward.
Stuck At Prom
Growing up watching si-fi movies with my family, I always noticed the same trend. Every fantasy of the future and every time traveled universe, these futuristic people all had a robot or android characteristic. They were imagined with colorful clothing, silver plated skin, or arms and legs made of technology. Inspired by this futuristic alter ego, I decided to bring this reality to life and design a prom look. I incorporated silver outlines over a light eye catching blue to create a cyber-like pattern. Furthermore, I added wire and tape arm cuffs to imitate robotic arms and slicked back my hair to look clean and put together.
Stuck At Prom
My primary inspiration for this dress was English historical fashion--particularly that of the 1850s and 1900s. I find the dresses from these eras and their creation processes very interesting, and love creating historically inspired clothing. The color and patterns used were based off of the color scheme of my favorite bird, the Bohemian waxwing; the primary colors are grey, tan, and black, like the body of the bird, with splashes of red , white, and yellow on the skirt, like those present on its wings. The bodice resembles the bird's face; it has several white lines and a splash of bright orange on a black base. In addition, all of the flowers and leaves are made from scraps leftover from other elements of the dress, with gold to complement the tans and greys. I also made a matching Edwardian-inspired hat which features a Bohemian waxwing, constructed from leftover tape.
Stuck At Prom
I based my outfit on a Fruit Bat. I wanted the cloak to be black to represent the way actual bats look, and then have each piece of the inside to be based off of a fruit that fruit bats typically eat. The vest was based off of bananas, the skirt mangoes and pandanus, the underside of the cloak is based off of a palm fruit, and I added rose-apple flowers something fruit bats typically eat nectar from, on the front.
Stuck At Prom
Faith. Family. Freedom. These 3 words define my inspiration in designing this suit. As a Mexican-American, I am proud of the heritage and culture both nations have instilled within me. For the style of my suit, I used a mixture of traje de charro de gala grecado and mariachi. The charro gala suit is one of the most elegant traditional Mexican attires. I intertwined the colors of the American and Mexican flags along the sides of the pant legs and edges of the bolero jacket and vest utilizing an ancient Greek meander. The fish, cross, and dove I embedded in the Greek meander represent my Christian faith. The intertwining of these colors and symbols exemplifies how my faith and both cultures have played a role in defining who I am. Much like the monarch butterfly, my identity is cultivated by both Mexico and this great nation, the USA. The monarch butterfly is highlighted on the belt, belt buckle, bowtie, sombrero, and suit jacket.
Stuck At Prom
The past two years of high school have been intense, and through it all, my mother has been incredibly supportive. Whether she's driving me all over town or helping me organize my overwhelming activities, her support has been unwavering. I wanted to honor her for all of her help. We both have a love for flowers, which has always been a special connection between us. Recently, while cleaning out the attic, we came across her 20-year-old wedding gown. It was ruined and she was going to throw it out, but our shared commitment to recycling sparked an idea. I decided to transform her old wedding gown into an amazing prom dress. This project is a tribute to her and a way to celebrate our wonderful mother-daughter relationship. By wearing this dress, I hope to show how our bond has blossomed and how much her support means to me.
Stuck At Prom
My inspiration was to do a traditional Pakistani Dress to showcase my culture! I used multiple layers of Duck Tape to create a base layer, all the way up to the final layer. For the white details, I used my cricut machine to cut out each shape of white duct tape inspired by traditional henna designs, and stuck them onto the final red layer of the dress. I would say that the little while details on the skirt part of my dress took me the longest amount of time. I had to pay attention to all the little details, and made sure nothing stuck on incorrectly.
Stuck At Prom
Not only is my name Sam, but I am an officer of the Veteran's Outreach club at our school. Our club's purpose is to bring awareness to the struggles that veterans are presented with as they transition from active duty to a civilian lifestyle. Any chance I get, I like to shine a light on our club and what we stand for. This suit is a representation of patriotism for our country and pride for our troops, both living and deceased. The best way I knew how to do this was to make a suit based off the suit Uncle Sam wore in posters to recruit troops for World War I and World War II.
Stuck At Prom
My outfit was inspired by my Scottish heritage and I followed the traditional method of kiltmaking. My tartan colours were inspired by the Duck Brand's logo, alongside the traditional blue and white from the Scottish Saltire flag.
Stuck At Prom
My dress is inspired by the artist Romero Britto. I like his use of bright colors and fun patterns. I wanted my dress to have just as many colors and patterns as his art has. My goal was for my dress to be unique, runway worthy, and push the limits of prom fashion. Somewhere between grade 7 and 8 my friends mutually agreed that bright colors and fun patterns where out, except me I still like having color in my every day outfits as I think it adds life to the outfit and is away to express my happy vibe.
Stuck At Prom
My dress was inspired by my journey as a girl in STEM. The outfit itself is a combination of the feminine things that women are told to discard upon entering male dominated fields, as represented by the dress and tiara, whereas the dress itself is robot themed. The solar panels are inspired by the origami solar panel research done at Brigham Young University and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the patterns on the top, and second layer of skirt, are based on a diagram of a neural network. As a whole, I attempted to encapsulate both my passion for STEM, art, and goofy creative projects, all features that I hope to carry with me to university. I loved making this, and I hope you like it.
Stuck At Prom
For as long as I can remember, I have been called "weird" as a child. This was especially difficult growing up in a Latino community, where people disapprove of being yourself and instead conform to the norms of Mexican culture. I am grateful to my parents for allowing me to dress and express myself as I wish to be seen without putting me down or shaming my looks.
This dress reflects my love of the "Gothic Lolita" style, a fusion of Gothic and Lolita fashion. I adore this dress and the style it represents, it represents me. However, many people in my community disapprove of it and ridicule me for wearing it due to not being stereotypical. Some even call me a "living dead girl" because of my interest in this style.
I gathered my love for gothic fashion and critters to create this dress.
Stuck At Prom
My dress is inspired by things that I love: space and science fiction. I’ve always been mesmerized by space and the stars, and this is why I’ll be majoring in physics, with the intent to concentrate in astrophysics. When I tell people this, they’re often surprised. They could never imagine themselves in physics because they do not believe they are capable of performing the science and math required. However, I’ve found that this love of space is not only mine, but one that is shared by people all over the world.
The patterns of the tape exemplify this love. When I saw the Starry Galaxy tape, I knew I must incorporate it into my dress. The pink mirror tape reflects so many of the sci-fi movies I have seen, as I feel it leans into the holographic presentations of robots and space craft. I chose to incorporate the floral shapes because many people view space as inaccessible because they view their scientific understanding of how space functions as a barrier. However, I like to frame space as beautiful because space, much like flowers, is part of nature, and both are beautiful. Even if you do not understand how it works, space is concrete, and you can see it with your own eyes. Both space and the stars can be admired by anyone, as long as you look in the right place. Their interconnectivity is further seen in my jewelry, as it contains both a flower and stars.
Overall, I hope that when you look at my dress you can take a moment to admire the world beyond our atmosphere. Space is for everyone, whether you access it by looking at the night sky, by studying physics, or even by enjoying a sci-fi movie.
Stuck At Prom
My design is that of a three-piece tuxedo that is mostly white with silver detailings that take inspiration from Victorian fashion and of the love story of Cupid and Psyche. Two sets of wings, which mimic the outline of butterfly wings and are frequently represented on Psyche, are rising above from behind the tuxedo. Covering my face is another smaller pair of wings, referencing how Cupid forbade his lover to see his face and also inspired by the biblical description of Seraphim. On the right shoulder held a metal shoulder armor, in regard to Cupid's father being the God of War, Mars. The iconic arrow is also present, thin with a heart-shaped tip. I would like to say thank you to the Duck Brand for giving me the opportunity to participate in such a creatively fulfilling contest!
Stuck At Prom
My outfit was originally inspired by my love of architecture. I wanted to show clean lines like those in a building, and my first idea was to use wood and concrete looking prints to emphasize the inspiration. However, once I had the muslin made, I realized that putting mute colors over it would look very drab. I chose this print for the bright colors that reminded me of the ocean, which inspires me in all of my creative outlets. I needed a solid to ground the bold print, and the blank mini coat was like the clear sky over the ocean on a perfect kayaking day. The outfit was actually supposed to be four pieces, but I ended up not liking the over coat. The mini coat was supposed to tuck inside the strapless button up, but I looked in the mirror and realized I accidentally made a better outfit by leaving it outside the top. The original plan also had a bowtie, but with the mini coat no longer closing I transitioned it to a headband. The white tape flower was a last minute addition that gave a natural looking completion to the tux. I decided to call it a corsage because I am homeschooled and have never been to prom, so it was my first and only corsage.
Stuck At Prom
I have always loved making one thing into another and pushing myself to create something new out of something unexpected. My design behind this dress is to mimic a layered cake with lots of frosting and decorations. I have many different hobbies including sewing and baking, and my challenge to myself was to combine the two. I wanted to try something I had never done before, and this dress was exactly that. I pushed myself outside of my creative comfort zone by trying new methods of sewing and creation. I wanted to use all the parts of a Duct Tape roll, and I was able to do that in my dress and accessories. Every time I ran into a challenge I tried to cake it from a different angle, I wasn’t afraid to take whisks, and in the end I hope I bake history.
Stuck At Prom
My dress design inspiration came from the butterfly theory in different cultures. The dress symbolizes a butterfly going through the different stages of life starting off as an egg, then a caterpillar, chrysalis, and the final stage becoming a butterfly. The butterfly’s journey from caterpillar to winged beauty mirrors the transformative process of growing into young adulthood. Like the caterpillar, I underwent significant internal and external changes growing into the person I am today, emerging from my cocoon of childhood with newfound independence, resilience, and the ability to soar to new heights. The butterfly serves as a poignant symbol of the beauty, freedom, and potential inherent in the journey of self-discovery and growth into young adulthood.
Stuck At Prom
Duct tape is often thought of as being industrial and a symbol of all things man-made. I wanted to challenge this idea by making a dress that embodies nature and whimsy, emphasizing the contrast between the art and the material. Inspired by depictions of fairies and other nature spirits, I compiled the dress from elements that could be found in a forest. The skirt is one big flower, and the top is made of leaves, accented by the wooden corset laced with vines. For accessories, I adorned myself with more flowers and vines just as I imagine a fairy living in a magical forest would. The final piece accomplishes the goal of creating something natural and lively out of something as synthetic and cold as duct tape.