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How-To: Duck Tape® 3D Heart

  • 30 Minutes
  • Beginner

Supplies & Tools

  1. Color Duck Tape®
  2. Duck Tape® Sheets and/or Duck Tape® Fabric
  3. Scissors
  4. Cotton or Fill
  5. Crafting Board

8 Steps


Create a piece of Duck Tape® fabric to your desired size.

Duck Tape fabric sheet


Draw or trace a heart on the Duck Tape® fabric.

Heart traced on the sheet from the previous step


Cut out the heart using your scissors.

heart traced in the previous step cut out


Repeat steps 1-3 so you have 2 identical hearts.

Steps1-3 repeated to create another heart piece


Place the hearts on top of each other and use small pieces of Duck Tape® to attach them. Leave a 3 in. opening for stuffing the heart.

the two heart shapes from the previous steps taped together almost all the way around


Stuff the heart with your filler material.

heart stuffed with filler material


Finish closing up the heart with small pieces of Duck Tape®.

remaining un-taped area taped closed


Personalize and decorate the heart using a favorite Duck Tape® color or design!