How-To: Winter-Themed Classroom Door with Duck Tape®
In need of a classroom door makeover? We teamed up with Paige from the @theeppichclassroom to create this cool, winter-themed door art.
15 Minutes
Supplies & Tools
Scroll down for step-by-step directions.
Disclaimer - If the listed tape type is not available, there's no need to worry. All of our crafts can be adjusted to use whatever tape you have on hand!
First, cover your door using a roll of white paper and cut out areas for the door knob/handle and window, if your door has one.
Cut out thin strips of silver Duck Tape® to create a sweeping landscape of hills across the door.
Next, begin to create snow covered evergreens with white and green Duck Tape® and place the trees around the landscape.
Now, it's time to add a unique touch to your door's winter wonderland. On Paige's door, she created Duck Tape® sleds and snowboards.
Finally, add a cool and catchy tag-line with Duck Tape® or marker to create a welcoming winter-themed classroom door.