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Fitting for any size leash, this Duck Tape® pet bag holder puts the fun back in functional!
Get the flower power look combined with your love for tie-dye.
Accessorize your springtime wear this year with these fun and playful Duck Washi® striped earrings.
Learn a new way to make a Duck Tape® classic.
Give your flower a new look and design.
Some people see a roll of tape. Anna Dominguez sees art that’s waiting to come to life. Check out The Queen of Tape's life story about becoming a duct tape artist.
Give your roses a new look with this rounded petal Duck Tape® rose!
What's better than a flower you don't have to water?
Bring your love for spring indoors! Choose your favorite color or print and make your very own Duck Tape® hyacinth bouquet.
How-To: Duck Tape® String Flowers
Add this candy corn necklace to your next Halloween craft night.
Perfect for a last minute, easy Halloween costume.
Personalize your kid's Halloween trick or treat bags with their favorite tape.
Need a quick and easy alternative for a Trick-or-Treat candy bowl? See how to create a pumpkin candy holder for Halloween.
Duck® Brand Terms of Use
Make a simple costume out of Duck Tape® for the best night of the year – Halloween!