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How-To: Duck Tape® Pumpkin Candy Dispenser

  • 60 Minutes
  • Advanced

Supplies & Tools

  1. Color Duck Tape®
  2. Box
  3. Scissors
  4. Crafting Board
  5. Wrapped Candy

9 Steps


Draw three lines to make a flap on the front of your box.

Upside down U shape drawn on the bottom of the side of the box to form a flap


Cut along the lines.

Slits cut in the lines from the previous step


Cover your box and flap with Duck Tape®.

Box covered in Duck Tape


Attach two Duck Tape squares to the sides of your flap to secure it to the box.

Sides of the flap taped to the box to form a small trough


Make the stem of your pumpkin. You can cover an existing material or form a double sided strip of tape into a loop and attach a circle on the top.

Cylinder shape covered in Green Duck Tape


Cut out Duck Tape triangles.

7 green Duck Tape triangles


Cut out the face for your pumpkin.

eyes and nose cut from black Duck Tape


Cut out long strips of tape.

Long and very thin strips of Duck Tape


Place your cut outs from steps 5-8 to the front of the box. Attach your stem using the triangles and arrange your strips of tape to form the shape of your pumpkin.

Step attached to the top of the box, strips from step 8 attached vertically around the pumpkin, and the face cut outs added to the front